

eagle creek information


  • Safe and Secure Campus: There were many safety and security improvements that were paid for by our taxpayers through the 2020 Capital Projects Levy. THANK YOU VOTERS! All secure entryways have been completed across the district and campuses continue to be closed to non-registered visitors. On the first day of school, please plan to drop your children off at the door. Parents needing to meet with office staff or the nurse may register at the front door.

  • Free Breakfast and Lunch: We are pleased to announce that the Eagle Creek Elementary School meal program will be supplemented by Meals for Washington Students funds. Meals for Washington Students funds are available to select WA schools participating in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. This means that beginning the 24-25 school year, all students receive a nutritious breakfast and lunch at no cost, regardless of family income.

  • Free/Reduced Lunch Form: In order to maintain free meal status for all students for next school year, we need all students, regardless of income, to turn in a free/reduced lunch form. This form is used to collect information and ensure that Eagle Creek Elementary School and Arlington Public Schools receive all funding they are entitled to for federal meal programs and state educational programs. If applications are not turned in and Free/reduced percentages decrease, Eagle Creek Elementary may no longer be eligible to participate in this program and provide free meals to all students in the future. To complete your application, please click here.

  • Here we GLOW: We are excited to continue our focus on student learning, positive character, a safe and caring learning environment, and consistent attendance this year and look forward to partnering with you for your child’s success! Eagle Creek…Let’s Grow, Learn, Own, and Win the 24-25 school year!

